
The kind man who devotes his life to caring for old homeless dogs


A Man’s Life’s Work Is Finding Forgotten Senior Pets Loving Forever Homes

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But not any old dog from the shelter will do. He visited the Denver, Colorado animal shelter and adopted the elderly dog considered the “least adoptable.”

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Today Greig has eleven senior dogs he rescued from a shelter, and his Instagram has flooded with a sweetness that his 478k followers approve of.

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Greig gets up at 5 o’clock every morning to prepare food for his pack of 10 adorable canine children. Most canines eat quite diverse things. His days consist of long strolls in the park, trips to the vet, and lots of hugs and kisses. There are constantly three or four of [dogs] connected if I sit or lie down at a dog-friendly level,” Greig says on Instagram.

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Greig told The Dodo, “They’re just wiser creatures.” After you reach a certain age, you have a better idea of what you want out of life. It’s much simpler to form a bond with an older dog since they already know who you are. Knowing that these cute creatures are loved and cared for makes everything worthwhile. It’s what gives meaning to my days.

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In addition to a pig named Bikini, ducks, pigeons, cats, and chickens populate Greig’s farm. In the future, when he has more space, he plans to adopt older dogs. So, after all, aging is nothing to adore about.

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