The Amazing best friends


Charles the female bearded dragon and Baby the cat are an endearing duo who show how true friendship can last through thick and thin. The bearded dragon was vulnerable to the cat’s attacks, but he choose to cuddle up with Toothless instead.

Charles hugs the cat gently to make him feel safe when their furry friend is scared of the thunder. The cat may also use the beardie. The two love spending time together doing things like playing outside, staring out the window, and keeping an eye on the home when they’re not snuggling. Charles may be possessive and has even stolen Baby’s bed before, but the owner claims on Instagram that “poor kitty went to sleep in a box,” so the two are still great friends.

They even kiss each other on the cheek occasionally!

credits :  charles_the_dragon

How happy do they appear to be together?

credits :  charles_the_dragon

They only have one working brain cell between them.

credits :  charles_the_dragon

When lightning strikes, they cover each other.

credits :  charles_the_dragon

.Quiet down, please!

credits:  charles_the_dragon

They treat one other with such kindness.

credits :  charles_the_dragon

They often go out for breakfast together.

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credits :  charles_the_dragon

We can take away the lesson that genuine friendship can blossom even amongst polar opposites.

credits :  charles_the_dragon

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